The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative 's (AAQI) QAM (Quilt-A-Month Club) is a challenge for individuals to support the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative by making or buying one Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt every month for 6 consecutive months. You can renew for additional 6 consecutive months as you go along.
You can join the challenge at any time, drop out at any time. February 2011 is the first month that began the challenge and because everyone may have joined in at different times, the first and final month as well as the number of quilts can all vary. What matters is sets of 6 consecutive months that continue on through additional sets!
Each month each of us who participate send in our registration number of the Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt we have either made OR purchased for that particular month. Badges for each month will appear by each individual's name sometime during the first week of the next month.
Each month will have at least one challenge. It is optional. You can ignore it or "go for it!" The challenge will be issued a few days before the end of the previous month on the AAQI Update blog. (You should go there now and sign up to get the posts delivered to your email box as soon as they are published.)
Please be aware of these important dates, established so the volunteers administering this project can have a life too.
- Register the quilt you make from the 1st to the 20th of the month. OR
- Purchase a quilt from the 1st to the 25th of the month.
- Email QuiltAMonthClub@gmail.com by the 28th of the month with your quilt number.
- After the 28th, you're out of luck for that month. No extensions, no excuses. Timing is everything and the timing is the date stamp according to AAQI's web page/email/blog. Don't wait until the last minute. We're not responsible for lost or misdirected emails.
****Important: Mailing Quilt Donations to AAQI*****
Because the quilts are processed numerically, we really need you to send in your quilt immediately after you get your registration email.
AAQI website volunteers know it's more expensive for you to mail your quilts in individually, but all of the AAQI volunteers are "tearing their hair out trying to keep everything straight if they don't come in right away. Help us out please?"
The same timeliness is actually required for all AAQI quilt donations. Do not register a quilt and then hang onto it until you have 5 more to mail in. Mail them in within a day or two of getting them registered, please.
Frequently Asked Questions are answered here.
Join in my own AAQI Liberated Quilting Challenge...and buy or donate a quilt, today!! And think about becoming an AAQI Quilt a Month Quilter!
Shown at the top:
My own June 2012 small format art quilt which was designed without a pattern or even a drawing, just cut and sew, then I used various surface details on it..painsticks, other fabric materials etc. quilted or surface thread painted, registered online at AAQI and then labeled and mailed to AAQI for my own June AAQI QAM donation!
The registration form which I received from Beth Hartford, through an email came within a few days of my registering. Beth is our wonderful quilt registrar. It contains my registration number (bottom right) which is then printed onto my quilt label, the label applied to the back of the quilt with the number being on the bottom right of it, as well, before mailing the quilt into AAQI Volunteer Extraordinaire, Diane Petersmarck. I then take that same number and e- mail it to the QAM volunteer, Kathy Dennis-Kennedy for recording keeping. It is a logical and consecutive process, you just have to make note of it, and keep track of the calendar, your quilting, the registrations, and notifications. But a lot of us love doing it and we mail these quilt in..month after month with delight.
It take a team, people and we are one!
Shown Below:
My QAM badges earned to date.....one for each consecutive month since QAM program began in February of 2011. I am in my third set of 6 month periods. And I am so proud of that!
AAQI Twitter Updates
- Thanks for all you do to help raise $$ for Alzheimer's research, Michele! http://t.co/3oncFHas about 11 hours ago
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!