
When the Heart Grieves

13,891 - When The Heart Grieves

13,891 - When The Heart Grieves
Michele Bilyeu
Salem, OR USA
Width: 12" Length: 9"

Materials/Techniques: Vintage designer fabrics, raw edge applique, machine stitching, oil paint sticks, watercolor paints, inkjet printing, and glass beads.

Artist Statement: Our hearts grieve for the loss of our parents who have passed on and our hearts grieve for the loss of who we knew those parents to be. But we are always, always grateful for whatever time we have been able to have with matter how hard it is to see them this way, or having to do so much care giving because of it.

Dedication: For my father who has passed, and for my mother who we love and care for by ourselves in our childhood home in Alaska. We mourn the loss of our father, and we mourn the loss of the mother that we once had. We are grateful to still have our mother with spite of all of the challenges of her full time care. It has been the hardest thing that any of us have ever had to do but we do it from full hearts filled with love and not anger.

This quilt has Fast Finish Triangles.